If you answered 'Yes' to the above, then the Restorative Me Self-Paced course is for you.
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You are never alone really when it comes to our Restorative Me self-paced course. We want to support you to succeed. To do this we offer a number of resources including useful journal prompts to support you to not only reflect on the video lessons in context but also give you practical classroom resources that enable immediate implementation.
Throughout the Restorative Me Self-Paced course, we will encourage you to take your learnings into the classroom to practice the techniques that Michelle shares through her quests. By doing this, you'll be able to see in real life, the impact that restorative practice has on fostering positive relationships, resolving conflict and reducing your stress.
Those who participate in the Restorative Me Self Paced course walk away with:
The courses starts as soon as you sign up and you have access to them for 12 months! They are completely self-paced online courses with an opportunities for community reflection in our drop in 1st Mondays; Restorative Me Community Café.
Restorative Me - This self-paced Connect RP certified course is estimated at 7 hours over a course of time . You will be provided with 12-month access to 7 lessons with 60 videos to engage with which range from approx. 90 seconds to 9 minutes: 14 Video Lessons, 14 Connect and Reflect Exercises, 14 Connect Quests, 4 Connect Check quizzes and numerous practical resources to make this course transferable to your learning communities.
RP & AEN – This self-paced Connect RP certified course is estimated to take 5 hours over a course of time. You will be provided with 12-month access to 5 Lessons with over 30 supports, resources, quizzes, quests and video lessons.
The Connect and Reflect activities will significantly vary on their time demand depending on how deeply you choose to engage with them. The Connect Quests are ways to breathe life into the lessons outlined and offer a scaffold and guide around your everyday practice, designed as compass for you to revisit continuously throughout your restorative journey.
You will receive a certificate of completion when you engage with all of the content. This certificate may be used as part of your personal CPD hours at your principal's discretion.
Absolutely! Restorative Me and RP & AEN are an immersive online experience. These courses were designed so that it would serve those who are advanced in their restorative training or brand new to the philosophy. They deepen the concepts and ideas introduced in the face to face, allowing us to unpack and attach our own meaning to them, while supporting us to integrate them into our everyday lives. They a wonderful foundation and reservoir to build, support and accelerate your understanding and practice.